harness the power of growth & leave fear behind

online & self-study course: Who are you, Fear?

  • Are you ready to seize the opportunities that lie ahead in 2024 and propel your business to new heights?

  • Embrace risk-taking, decision-making, and strategic innovation to drive growth and success.

  • Empower your team, embrace change, and foster a culture of collaboration to maximize your potential.

  • Are you passionate about nurturing your child's growth and potential, ensuring they have the best opportunities for success in life?

  • Are you committed to empowering yourself as a parent to make informed decisions and provide your child with the best possible care?

  • Are you interested to enhance your life's balance and fulfillment in 2024, embracing a sense of calm and inner peace without fears?

  • Are you troubled by financial insecurity, questioning your ability to afford housing and living expenses?

In this 6-weeks, online, self-guided course, you'll master the art of turning your fears into powerful friends. Learn how to confidently treat your authentic path with newfound assurance.

Discover the truth: most of our fears are not life-threatening. This revelation holds the key to your personal growth and development. Initiate your journey at your convenience, but only when you're ready to confront your fears with a clear purpose.

Unveil the power within you to harness fear as a teacher and ally, guiding you towards a path filled with confidence and purpose

Did you know?

  • 90% of CEOs agree that the fear of failure is their main cause of distress.

  • 51.8% of entrepreneurs in the United Kingdom report having a fear of startup failure.

  • 49.86% of adults in Ireland (Germany: 37.93%, France 44.08%) agree that they see good opportunities but wouldn’t start a business due to the fear it would fail.

  • 49% of Americans agree that the fear of failure prevents them from achieving or revisiting their goals.

Globel enterpreneurship research association https://www.gemconsortium.org/data/key-aps

Discover a 6-week journey that empowers you to transform fear into a guiding companion, emboldening your steps along your authentic path. Through this immersive experience, you'll:

  • Develop heightened awareness of your fears, equipping you to navigate them with precision.

  • Master the art of identifying and transforming your triggers, gaining control over your reactions.

  • Reshape the impact of cultural and media-driven fears, reclaiming agency over your life.

  • Forge a constructive relationship with your fears, turning them into catalysts for growth.

Enroll into the Fear Course

  • self-guided online course via our "Academy Portal"

  • designed for 6 weeks (but you can work in your own speed)

  • 6 x audio-inputs and meditations (in English and in German available)

  • 53 pages workbook (in English and in German available)

  • price: €139 (incl. VAT)

There's no risk involved. We offer a straightforward money-back guarantee. If you have completed the course and are not completely satisfied, submit a detailed feedback request to our support team. We will issue a full refund within seven business days.

Unlocking Peaceful Relationships with Your Fear

Incorporating these steps to your life will lead you to harmonious coexistence with your fears, empowering you in both personal and professional contexts.


Hone your senses to identify your triggers with precision.

Calm Your Body and Mind

Recognize the multitude of stress triggers that compromise your immune system and cloud your judgment. Master techniques to halt the stress response, restoring your body to equilibrium and your mind to clarity.

Unearth the Root Cause

Explore the origins of your triggers and shed light on the fear-driven narratives that no longer serve you. Release them to make way for growth.

Cultivate Courage

Infuse confidence and courage into your thought patterns, providing you with an edge in anxiety-inducing situations.

Are you ready to face your fear?

Get a free personal 30-min call

Let’s find out if we’re a good match and if it’s time to transform your fear. We also give you an insight into the content and the outline of the course.

Are you ready to face your fear, and do you have a clear why? We look forward to you!


Miriam is a Change Angle and Performance Coach. Miriam combines inner work and personality development with scientific down-to-earthness. With a variety of intuitive tools, she can be your fast track guide to a powerful leader role within your life and business.

It's all within your reach

What's included in 'Who are you, Fear?'

  • self-guided online course via our "Academy Portal"

  • designed for 6 weeks (but you can work in your own speed)

  • 6 x audio-inputs and meditations (in English and in German available)

  • 53 pages workbook (in English and in German available)

  • price: €139 (incl. VAT)

Course outline

  • Week 1: What is fear

  • Week 2: Calm your body and your mind

  • Week 3: Get to know your triggers

  • Week 4: Discovery

  • Week 5: Courage building

  • Week 6: Is it really true?

At the end of this course you will


  • What fear does in the body.

  • How it is triggered.

  • Which kind of fear is helping us in a life-and-death-situation.

  • How you can work with a fear which isn’t connected to a life-and-death-situation.


If I am the captain of my life ship, then Miriam was and is the indispensable pilot for me. She has always helped me to steer past many shallows on my way through dangerous waters. When I got disoriented, she showed me ways to get back on the right course and stay on it. She never took the helm, but rather showed me how I can steer my ship myself. Thanks!


Miriam and Markus have a special gift for providing orientation and guidance in an empathetic and encouraging way. In dealing with our children, we receive enormously valuable and everyday learning in every coaching session. Above all, we are grateful that you two have helped us with your clarity and sensitive manner to organize our mountain of disordered ideas and dreams for the future of our family life and finally to take action bit by bit. With you, change is a joy and you are a great encouragement to us!

Amelie & Samuel

Whenever Markus and I meet for a coaching session, this time is pure inspiration and gives me noticeable courage to work on myself and for personal growth. In my inner dealings with myself, I can become more loving bit by bit and accept setbacks and mistakes increasingly positively and gratefully. Each coaching is highly individual and follows my current needs and everyday challenges, which Markus always recognises very empathetically.

Samuel Menger

Father of four and
entrepreneur in the healthcare sector

Miriam radiates a friendly openness that makes it easy to exchange ideas with her. She listens effortlessly and impartially, holds the space and makes offers. Feeling grounded and at the same time transparent and constructive. Thank you for accompanying us!


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