At the Turtle Transformation 'Authentic Leader Academy', our mission is to empower you to become an authentic leader who embodies integrity, empathy, and continuous growth. We're here to help you embrace your true self, promote inclusivity, and drive positive change in your organization, community, and family. Our commitment is to provide you with exceptional resources and support, enabling you to join a global network of leaders dedicated to making a lasting impact on the world.


We are happy to announce that we are working on the next version of "The Authentic Leader Academy". So far the academy is a loosely coupled offering of 1:1 leadership coaching, trainings and online courses. We are now combining this to one offering, including "The Authentic Leader Certification", a community and more foundation trainings around authentic leadership.

We aim to start "The Authentic Leader Academy" including the community in January 2025.

At the moment, we are running a crowdfunding campaign to collect the required money for a proof of concept of the academy. Please support us and invest into tomorrow's leaders.

Embark on your leadership journey with the Authentic Leader Academy

Discover Your Inner Power

It all begins with your profound realization and your dedication to self-responsibility. This pivotal moment often dawns on you during our workshops, free offerings, or social media posts.

Everybody is a Leader

In this 90 minutes workshop, we introduce you to methods to take the ownership and leadership of your own life. This is an integrated workshop which takes body, mind and soul into account.

Uncover Hidden Depths

As you delve deeper into your self-discovery journey, you'll unearth the hidden corners of your psyche, especially your fears and deeply-rooted beliefs. This newfound clarity may prompt you to eagerly reserve your spot in our Fear Course, in our Empathic Leadership Course, or embark on a personalized coaching session.

Who are you, Fear?

Learn in 6 weeks how to make your fear your teacher and companion to walk your true path with confidence. Most of our fears are not life threatening. This realization has the potential to help us grow. Available in English and in German.

Kickstart your Empathic Leadership

Start with yourself and strengthen your empathetic leadership skills. Start your next step in your leadership skills career and increase efficiency by empathy.

Leadership Coaching

As a leader, you have to make many decisions every day. Get your leadership trainer & coach to consider the interaction of all your topics.

Pursue Mastery

Yet, the thirst for personal growth and transformation is insatiable. You, the seekers, yearn for an array of tools and unwavering support to navigate your journey, finding bespoke ways to process your newfound insights and liberate your lives from constraints. It's no wonder that a significant number of our clients express a desire to become part of our exclusive 'Turtle Transformation Distilled Annual Program,' where you can continue your evolution surrounded by a community of kindred spirits.

TT Distilled Annual Program

A 12-month long, highly efficient program that empowers you to take the reins of your life and business into your hands with just a small but continuous amount of time necessary.

TT Authentic Leader & Team Program

Transform your leader and team's performance and authenticity over 12 months. Eliminate conflicts, foster strong team bonds, and optimize your business with our customized program, featuring coaching, workshops, training, and bi-weekly check-ins. Unlock your and your team's full potential and thrive!

You don't know how to get started?

At Turtle Transformation, we understand that true leadership is an evolving journey. The Authentic Leader path is designed to assist you in implementing new actions, testing, analyzing, and evaluating your progress, and surpassing whatever you thought was possible for yourself.

Book your call and together we shape your leadership journey.

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